Friday 24 December 2010

Kings and Things

We had 2 fire alarms yesterday! 2 of them! We were getting used to having a fire alarm every day but 2 is a bit much! (This happened last year, apparently a problem with the alarm reacting to the change in temperatue between outside and the canteen. Think they need a new alarm system!)

Anyhow, went to see Carols by Candlelight with the Mozart Festival Orchestra at the Usher Hall last night. Loved the music (especially the unaccompanied version of We Three Kings by the choir. Very atmospheric.), enjoyed singing the carols and enjoyed myself ogling the C18th costumes. (Still wish they'd teach their sopranos to move properly in their Robes a la Francais but she had a very good voice so they're forgiven.)

Declutterisation begins tonight. The aim is to reduce my stuff to the point that it will all fit in a small van (mostly cause it's cheaper to hire than a medium and partly because I keep reminding myself of the likelihood of having to fit it all into one room at the other end! The stuff, that is, not the van) over the next 4 days. I suspect I have a lot of very rubbish reenactment kit that is taking up unneccessary room and I know I have a huge amount of DVD's that can definitely go. Books are safe, most of my CD's are safe, musical instruments are definitely safe. Not sure about bookcases. My 2 smaller bookcase I really want to keep but it'll depend on how much room there is at the other end. The 2 bigger ones I'll only take if there'll be room and a need for extra storage. Obviously my mole collection is sacrosanct as is all my dance kit but I suspect I can winnow down my clothes. There's a lot of skirts that I don't really wear and, since stopping Scottish Country, I don't really wear ball-dresses anymore. (May keep 1 of them just in case). May be able to get rid of some of the more commercial sewing patterns and the fabric mountain can possibly be reduced in size by vaccuum bags rather than actually getting rid of any of it. This may deal with the spare downey and pillows too. My camping gear takes up a fair bit of room but I can't really see me getting rid of any of this since it does get used a lot
I may be able to get rid of my video player since I don't really use it any more. The big picture of Lindisfarne Castle will have to have room found for it because there's no way I' giving it up and Maud will have to have room found for her too because she's essential to making kit that fits me! (And I do intend to keep doing reenactment too.)

Then I have to think of all the things I have to cancel. So far I have rent, electricity, gas, telephone, council tax, cinema card, broadband, comic subscription. Will need to change address (when I get a new one) for the bank and amazon (have forgotten to that before, caused no end of trouble!) So much to do! Thank the gods for winter bank holidays.

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