Wednesday 30 December 2009

The Festive Season

Lot of snow around and definitely feeling the lack of heating in the burrow so I shall have to get that fixed after the holidays. Kept warm by buying a King sized winter downey at Asda's and then using it to make a nest on the settee. No TV over Christmas due to Virgin Media striking again but not exactly a loss. Managed to watch the couple of things I actually wanted to see (mainly the Victorian Farm Christmas which was fun. I really hope they continue with these as they are well done and it's lovely to see people doing this kind of thing who actually have a clue what they're doing as opposed to the ever present 'reality shows') on the internet and then spent the rest of the holiday spring cleaning the burrow. Have so far managed the sitting room and the bathroom and feel ridiculously pleased with myself.

Went to see the new St Trinians' film with the usual suspects just before Christmas. Completely silly and somewhat logically and historically challenged but very, very funny (worth it for the 'ambulance' line alone!). We trotted along to the pub afterwards and just had a very good evening.

On Monday night, we went to see Sherlock Holmes. I think I might be just a little too much of a fan of the books (and the Jeremy Brett TV series) cause I didn't really rate it much while others in the group really enjoyed it. It did have it's good points, the lads playing Watson and Lestrade were very good and it's always nice to see Watson portrayed as competent rather than the bumbling stooge he usually ends up (even if his limp did miraculously disappear in the fight scenes!). Mark Strong is always a good villain although I felt he could have done with more to do. Downey Jr managed a decent English accent (although it suffered slightly when he was talking to the English actors) but I think it threw his timing off slighly cause I usually think he's much better than he was. Still, it was funny (not neccessarily always in the places it meant to be, but still.) and I've seen worse films. (Still feel that they could have done without the whole deja vu thing in the fight sequences which was very annoying, but made up for by the bulldog scenes!) Again we retreated to the pub afterwards for another fun evening.

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