Tuesday 16 March 2010

Melodeon Envy

Rapper was good last night. Not many of us so a lot of dancing done although a certain Goarsach dancer turned up on her way back up North with her 2 dogs (both adorable) and had a go at joining in with us (her, not the dogs).
Andy had a go at playing for us on the melodeon that he's only been practicing for 2 weeks. Absolutely sickening! If I can play even as quarter as well as that after 2 weeks I'll be bloody impressed with myself. Really quite excited waiting until I can get my melodeon now. Can't wait to give it a go.
There's the possibility of us dancing at Anstruther for a gala day (can't get used to that term. They will forever be 'fetes' to me.) in July. Sounds like fun so I hope we can do it. In the meantime, we've got a DERT rehearsal planned in St Andrews for the weekend after next and then, hopefully, a bit of pub touring. I don't think St Andrews has seen rapper since the Kingsman danced there during IVFDF 2002 but they seemed to enjoy it then.

The countdown to Oxford has started in my brain. I retrieved my Bellowhead DVD from Trina last night so that should be getting watched a lot in order to try and take the edge off...

Plan tonight is to get in, clarinet practice first (cause I can't mute it!), then fiddle practice (cause I can mute that) and then tidy like a tidy thing and, if I am good, I'm allowed to watch the Bellowhead DVD. (I strongly suspect I will watch it anyway but this is the intention)

At some point I should probably put Roger through a car wash. He is absolutely filthy and I haven't really got anywhere to put him to wash him by hand (if I try on the roadside I'll get killed and that's leaving aside the question as to whether you're allowed to wash cars in the street.) Before he goes through a car wash though, I think it might be an idea to get waterproof covers for the seats and me. (Not that I don't trust the door seals or anything...)

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