Monday 22 March 2010

Weddings and Bobby Shaftoe

Wedding was fun, weather was lovely and it was hilarious watching the groom (a professional photographer) try and take over the wedding photographs.

Those of us not at the reception trotted along to a place called Henderson's Bistro for tea (after I'd followed a car to the venue through Stirling. Talk about white knuckle!) which was really, really nice and very good value before returning to the evening ceilidh which was also good fun. Didn't do a lot of dancing but did manage enough to wreck my tights (had forgotten to bring alternate dancing shoes) and get splinters in my toes. Mostly my right foot, guess which foot I pivot on! It was lovely to see and catch up with old friends and I had a very good night. (And we're all very grateful that Newcastle United didn't lose their match!)

Most of Sunday I spent trying to clear the bed and playing with my various musical instruments. Needless to say I can now play Bobby Shaftoe with the basses on the melodeon, Mairi's Wedding a bit faster on the fiddle, some minuet or other on the clarinet and the bed still isn't clear! One day...

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