Friday 19 March 2010

Surprises All Over

Been a bit of an odd day all told. Found out at fiddle class last night that the end of term concert was this evening! Bit of a startle that was. Worse was finding that Roger was missing his rear number plate. Silly Renault design has the number plate attached to the plastic bit that opens the boot rather than the car itself and, since a couple of people tried to open the boot when it was locked, the thing has been loose to the point of falling off once. Kept forgetting to get it fixed so my own fault really. Tried to retrace my steps (so to speak) but no sign of the number plate anywhere and I was a little worried that someone had obviously wrapped the trailing wires for the plate lights around my rear windscreen wiper so I did the sensible thing and phoned the police to let them know and resigned myself to an expensive (and possibly long ) fixit since Roger ain't young and I'm not sure how easy it would have been to get a replacement for the plastic bit.

Anyhow, drove to work this morning and there, right beside where I'd parked it the day before, was the missing plate and plastic whatsit! Looking at the connections, I figured the best thing to do would be to buy some good quality glue and fix the thing back into place once and for all. Have now done this and he seems to be holding up well. Sometimes things work out rather well.

Concert turned out to be fine too (bit weird having to pay to get into a concert you're playing in but so it goes. Also completely lost my hearing for about 10 minutes after walking past the pipes class practicing in a very small corridor. Nice to know my lip reading isn't completely rusty!) I think our group must have had the shortest set in the whole thing (that I saw, anyway) which, I feel, is no bad thing, and we made it through The Cockle Gatherer in one piece. I didn't stay afterwards cause I wanted to go and play with the melodeon which is what I did. Am working my way through the Freaks' tunes (just melody so far) and it's going quite well. When I can do them without having to think so much about the push pull, I'll start to investigate the basses.

Off to Stirling for a wedding tomorrow (first outing for my new hat. I do like hats, especially on formal occasions. Don't feel properly dressed without one and, as I think I've mentioned before, fascinators always make me feel like I've managed to get a piece of undergrowth stuck in my hair (Althought that could just be flashbacks to childhood)) I'm going to the ceremony then meeting up with a fair few of the dancing lot for dinner before we head to the reception so that sounds like fun.

Attended a meeting about booking travel at work today and discovered that I can also book leisure travel through them for a 10% discount. Wish I'd known that before I booked the coach to Oxford. I hate coach travel and the discount would have meant I would have been happier to book the train, still, something useful to know for the future.

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