Wednesday 17 March 2010

Things to Look Forward To.

Off to collect my melodeon tonight. Little bit excited. Just a little bit. (My neighbours are going to hate me!)

Also have a ticket to go and see Les Miserables at the Edinburgh Playhouse thanks to ylla mentioning it on her livejournal (Apparently tickets have been on sale since last March. I hadn't heard a thing about it and she only heard about it when she went to St Andrews! No, I can't explain it either.) Anyhow, I will be sat in the middle at the back of the stalls so at least I can stand up a bit if I can't see. Have wanted to see this for years but have never gotten round to it so a little excited now. Of course, it's not till April so some time to go yet but, still!

Managed a little bit of tidying last night and did a good bit of various musical instrument practice so I felt entitled to watch half of the Bellowhead DVD.

Have now cancelled my TV Licence. I expect the threatening letters any minute now...

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