Thursday 25 November 2010

Archenemy in the Making

The Burrow has been invaded again. This time by a particularly aggressive spider. I encountered it in the bathroom and, seeing as I was about to take a shower, got a cotton bud thing to gently prod it out of the way. Usually, in this situation, the spider will raise it's front legs and then scuttle like a scuttly thing for cover, but not this one, oh no! This one didn't even bother raising it's front legs but just went for the end of the cotton bud and clung to it while appearing to visciously attack it. I'm not sharing a bathroom with you in that mood, thinks I, and carried it to the door, still trying to mangle the end of the cotton bud (the spider, not me!). Took me 5 goes to dislodge the little bugger! I'm now faintly worried that it's in a bunker somewhere plotting its revenge.

Work is going very slowly today due to the fact that they're repainting the lines in the carpark outside and the whole process is absolutely fascinating. I always wondered how they did the numbers and the little stick figures you find on walkways. I always thought that there must be some kind of template but no, there's a bloke out there doing it all freehand and as fast as you can blink. Very impressed really.

Rapper stuff in the pipeline (although probably not actually in a pipeline since it might be difficult to dance) includes dancing for an AID's benefit thing at our usual practice pub, The Village, in Leith which should be fun. The staff are really friendly and supportive there and they've been trying to get us to dance for various events for ages but we haven't been able to due to prior bookings or unavailability of dancers so it's lovely to finally be able to dance for them. There's a possible tour in Glasgow in early January and the possibilty of our first teaching workshop at around the same time. In December, we are once again heading Selkirkwards to dance at the Scott's Selkirk Festival which was a lot of fun last year, so stuff to look forward to.

As to my new stretchy scarf, must remember not to knot it tight around my neck like my previous one since, on letting go of the ends, this one contracts...

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