Tuesday 30 November 2010


Feel very silly now. Was wandering through the burrow last night while reading a book and drinking a cup of tea when I managed to walk into one of the doorframes. This resulted in me managing to split the inside of my lip on my mug and spill the contents of said mug all over me. Fortunately the book was unscathed (having been in the other hand) and the mug seemed to have survived intact (although this was proved wrong this morning when I picked it up and the handle fell off. Luckily it was just a common or garden mug, not a favourite.). Anyhow, had fun clearing up the resulting mess, washing the tea (again, fortunately warm, not hot) out of my hair and the blood out of my jumper and am now trying not to smile cause it hurts (and this is proving difficult because there's been a number of people getting stuck in the carpark again. Some of them react in very bizarre ways!). I look a bit peculiar at the moment as the cut (which is little but quite deep) is completely on the inside of my mouth so all that is visible from the outside is the swelling and it looks like I've got cotton wool tucked up underneath my top lip! Apparently multi-tasking is not for me!

Anyhow, as well as all that kerfuffle, I also had a go at learning 'The Plane Tree' and the Schottische that sounds a bit like it but which I can't remember the name of, last night on the melodeon. Had a good deal of fun playing around with crossrowing and I think I may be getting the hang of it. May try and add chords in tonight.

In rapper news, sadly, due to injuries and people being blocked in by snow, our 2 rapper events this week are cancelled which is a huge shame but probably sensible. In fact the whole of the Scott's Selkirk Festival has been cancelled which is a huge shame for them as well as us and I hope it doesn't hit them too heavily.

In burrow tidying news, I managed to get my tent stowed away last night thanks to some creative folding and interesting use of the bed. This makes the burrow look so much clearer (It's amazing how much room a 2-person tent can take up) which makes me feel a lot more inclined to tidy which has to be a step in the right direction.

Caught up with the latest episode of The Edwardian Farm last night too. Liked the way they went into all the detail about how they gpt the eggs from the fish for the fish farm and how it didn't hurt them etc. etc. and then just completely glossed over how they got the milt to mix with them. To me this would seem like the more complicated process. Still, great fun to watch as ever.

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