Monday 8 November 2010

Odd Day and Bad News

Had a fun day on Saturday. Started by pratcicing melodeon with Trina and Kev before heading along to Bennets to start the tour. There was a bit of a fight before we started up (well it sounded like one, I stood no chance of seeing over the crowd!) but the customers had settled down enough that we got a good reception, even when my sword snapped leaving me clutching the swivel handle and pretty much nothing else. There was even a bit of blood (a teeny tiny bit but blood nonetheless)! We also danced at the Old Toll where we got cornered by a very bad, very drunk 'poet' (gods, he was awful) and Lock 25 where we ran into a stag party who got us to take the groom-to-be through single guard and a lock. We finished off by dancing 2 dances at The Welcoming Ceilidh which went down very well (despite some fairly ropey stepping).
Meant to tidy the burrow on Sunday. Filled in job applications instead. Still, at least it was productive in one way.

Today was a bit of a weird day all told. Started off with not being needed for Jury Service then a truly boring day at work. Got home and tried to call the court phone line to see if I would be needed tomorrow but the message was still talking about Monday so that was no help. Wombled along to rapper and we nearly had a full complement for once which was nice. We tried dancing Swalwell and we tried doing the Steak Pie dance with everybody in different positions which was great fun. I love dancing rapper and will dance it anyway I can, I realise that the height difference also limits the positions I can dance if people are tumbling but I have been getting desperately, desperately bored with dancing 2 all the time (and dancing 4 occasionally is not much of a change) so it was really nice to dance 3. Trina also produced an amazing birthday cake for me (had completely forgotten myself) in the shape of a fantastically detailed melodeon (it had little screws and an air button and everything!) being watched by a mole. It was also in the nature of being a 'jenga cake' where the cake underneath the icing was actually little caramel squares and the team had fun trying to grab bits without dislodging the icing. On the bad news front however, it doesn't look like we've got a team for DERT. Will still try and go down but it's not the same when you're not dancing. May try contacting the Mabels later and seeing if they need any help stewarding. May as well be useful.

Got home and found the court had finally changed the message and I'm not needed tomorrow either and it appears that that's the end of my Jury Duty which is a relief really and at least it's all over and done with now.

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