Monday 26 April 2010

Domestic Weekend

Why is it that, when you attend a meeting you really don't want to last too long, there's always one numpty ready to stretch it out for no apparent reason?! The election training would have taken long enough without the gentleman who decided to keep butting in with stories and sarcastic remarks about his previous experience working the elections. The majority of us had done it before, we all had experiences like that but did we go on about them? No. Why not? Well, it was a Friday evening and we all wanted to get home before 9pm.

I ended up going to see Repo Men at the cinema on the way home to cheer myself up. Not a bad film, the premise was interesting and the acting was good but the direction was a bit daft (especially the main finale scene. Some of the most laughable and medically dubious actions I have ever seen). The twist wasn't really unexpected (you could see it coming from the first time someone mentioned it) but I've seen worse films and it made me laugh (albeit, not always at the right things but you take what you can get).

Saturday, I wombled into town to get some type of fabric throw type things to cover the glass doors in the burrow (and who the hell uses a glass door for a bathroom?!) since the posters I've been using are starting to disintergrate. On the way in, I passed the Farmers' Market which I usually miss cause I'm either doing stuff or don't remember it's on so I took the opportunity to have a ramble. Ended up buying a game pie (venison, wild boar and pheasant) which was one of the yummiest things I've ever eaten. May have to try and go along next week and hope that trader is there again.
Anyhow, managed to get some cheap throws and a tin whistle in D (I don't know how I got that either) and set off back to the burrow where I spent the rest of the day doing random bits of frenzied tidying interspersed with lots of musical instrument (especially now that I seem to have added another one!). Finished the day by watching Doctor Who on i-player. Much better episode than last week and it's a 2 parter which always seems to work better.

On Sunday, I remembered to put my tent out to air (the weather was good when I put it away at Oxford but the underside was very wet). Sadly, my putting the tent on the line was obviously the signal the rain gods were waiting for and I now have a burrow full of even wetter tent that I am trying to air out. Almost thought there was going to be a thunderstorm yesterday what with the general mugginess and humidity but, nothing doing.

Have been eyeing up Bellowhead's November tour dates. It looks like the Edinburgh date is going to clash with the melodeons weekend at Witney (which I really want to go to), however, having looked at buses and dates, I think that I could go down to the one in London which is on a Saturday, see folks down that way and then see the gig at Sheffield on the Sunday before heading back up north... There's still a couple of dates that haven't been confirmed yet so, if one of them's Gateshead, I may womble along to that too.

Friday 23 April 2010

Falkirk and Election Woes

Well, Falkirk last night (although we did have a text from James at one point asking if we said Falkirk or Selkirk which caused a few moments ofamusement). We started off dancing at the Folk Club at Argyles with Winalot. Not our best dance, stepping was atrocious, but it went down well enough. We then scarpered off to dance in 2 more pubs. Neither had many people in (the second only had 2) but they were all very appreciative and we are apparently welcome to come back which is always nice. James got his first dance out with us in the second pub which (apart from him desperately trying to escape in Strangler) went really well. We then returned to Argyles to do the Steak Pie dance.This went a lot better than the Winalot but the stepping was still truly horrible. Dot and Ian both did turns and we stayed to the end of the night before heading home. I do wish I had the nerve to get up and do stuff like that but it's still really fun just to sit and listen.

Apparently I managed to miss my election training session last night (hadn't realised it was that date) and got a very patronising phone call this morning telling me off for it. I wouldn't mind, I did stuff up after all and they do want reliability but I've been working the election for quite a few years now and I haven't put a foot wrong and I really wasn't in the mood for being patronised which possibly led me to be a little breezy about missing it on the phone which, I suspect, was not the attitude they were looking for. Upshot is that I have a replacement session at 7pm tonight. There goes my evening.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Oxford Folk Festival 2010 (Sunday)

On Sunday, I decided to try a couple of workshops which started off with the Hands On Workshop at the Bate Museum where we got to handle and (attempt) to play some of the instruments. We had great fun and some folks managed to get some tunes out of the various instruments (although not, apparently, the hurdy gurdy!). I was really taken with one of the crumhorns. It had a really nice sound and was surprisingly easy to get a scale out of and I now sort of want one...
After that I went along to the harp workshop which was also very good. I also want a harp!
After this, I went back to the Town Hall to visit the craft fair again and succumbed to the lure of the bowler hats. I am now the owner of a very nice hat with jewels along the hatband and some feathers. I must now make a new tatter coat to match the hat (although my current one will probably go well enough for now). The lassie who was selling them seemed very surprised that poeple wanted to buy them which was fairly funny.
I then headed back to the Far From the Madding Crowd for the french session which had some great tunes and a little bit of dancing. After a couple of drinks, I met up with some of the BFP's and went to see Karen Tweed and Paul Hutchinson. Underrehearsed and chaotic would be one way to describe them as they occasionally found themselves playing the wrong parts or had to search frantically for sheet music that was on the stand all the time, but they were so funny and the music was lovely that I thoroughly enjoyed it. I particularly liked the suggestion that, since they didn't have a CD out together, that we could play one each of their CD's at the same time, followed by the susggestion that we could run up and down the hallway for a doppler effect.

After a quick break to the icecream place for (in my case anyway) a Freeze (sorbet and lemonade. Lovely!) we went back to the Town Hall to see Maqam (Giles Lewin and others playing arabic music). They were very good but hit just at the wrong part of the day as I was a little drowsy and the music was very lulling. Managed not to fall asleep but it was a near run thing.
We then headed to the Cornbury stage to listen to (and sing along with) Ian Giles. This was really good fun with some really funny songs we could join in with. The Festival finished with What's Up Folk, a (large) group of kids from John Spiers' old school that he's done some work with in the past. Some very good performances (although we weren't too sure about them doing Kafoozalum. At least they didn't sing the words.) The lassie who sang solo was very good (although a slightly diconcerting choice of song for someone her age) and the 3 lads (one of which was also the trombonist who was really going for it!) who sang were also good.

We then headed off for tea before folks set off home. Since 2 of us were staying till the Monday, we headed off to The Bird and Baby (which I'm fairly sure is a nickname but I can't remember what it's real name is) where we drank green beer for the sheer novelty and just chatted before I finally headed back.

The coach trip back was a bit of a nightmare since it got delayed so it took over 10 hours and I was close to a kid who would not shut up whining. I got through 3 books (have just started reading Patricia Briggs who I'm quite enjoying) and listened to a lot of Bellowhead on the i-pod to get through it.
Still, totally worth it. I'm already trying to work out which of Bellowhead's November tour dates I can make it to and very much looking forward to Holmfirth where I'm going to see Rachel McShane and Belshazzar's Feast. It was also really lovely to meet so many people from the forum. Everyone was so friendly and it was really nice to have a group of people that I could just randomly meet up with when I felt like it and do stuff with. Will hopefully be running into them again at various festivals through the year.

Am now seriously starting to consider moving down south. Most of the stuff I want to do is down that way and I would save myself so much time and money taken up by travel. It would have to be somewhere with a rapper side and a strong folk scene. Am going to have to sit myself down at some point and have a very serious think.

Last night I was supposed to go over to a friend's for tea and DVD's. Instead I ended up helping her pull up the bathroom carpet in her old flat due to a leak. Still, it was nice to see her and we had pizza and a chat afterwards.

Still waiting to hear what is happening with Falkirk. Hope we cans till do it.

Oxford Folk Festival 2010 (Saturday)

On Saturday, I again wombled into town and watched the morris parade. It was brilliant to see a street full of morris dancing, all colour and music and bells. I then went to see Luke Daniels and The Gael Academy. The kids were pretty good and Luke Daniels is a very good melodoen player (although he doesn't seem to use the bases which I think is a very irish way of playing) but he wasn't the most charismatic talker between the tunes. No matter, his playing made up for it.
Then came Spiers and Boden. It was supposed to be Torivaki but, due to the whole icelandic volcano kerfuffle, they couldn't make it over from France. However, the same lack of flights also meant that Messers Spiers and Boden couldn't fly out to their gig in Austria so we got them instead. Well worth it. They were brilliant. Fantastic music, hilarious banter and a really enthusiastic audience made it a wonderful set.

Spent most of the afternoon sitting at the castle with a BFP (Bellowhead Forum Person) eating ice cream and watching the morris dancing. I especially liked Bristol Morris (which included the lad who'd tommyed for Bristol Rapper at DERT). Wasn't too keen on the rapper dancers we saw on the way to the castle mind. There were 2 sides dancing together, 1 male, 1 female with some very odd 'red indian' face paint'. The stepping (such as it was) was very peculiar, the spins used the irish stepping which you see a fair bit with american sides and produces very slow spins in rapper and the sword handling was, to say the least, wimpy. Made me feel so much better which, I suspect, makes me an evil gremlin.
We got chased out of the castle by the belly dancers who, while good, just went on for too long and were dancing to taped music which, after all the live stuff for the morris, just didn't cut it. So, after a brief pause to tell a passing Jon Boden how much we enjoyed the set, we hurried back to the Town Hall to get seats for The Demon Barber Roadshow. They were on really good form. The clogs, the morris, the rapper and the music all gelled together into one huge ball of energy which nearly had me stepping in my seat.

A fair few of BFP's then met up to go for tea at a nearby pub which was very nice but a bit slow which meant we didn't manage to get into the celidh which was a shame but we had a wander around the craft fair (where one of our number bought a rather splendid bowler hat decorted with cartoon character badges) before we headed off to the pub 'Far From the Madding Crowd for a few drinks before decamping to the campsite (so to speak).

Oxford Folk Festival 2010 (Friday)

Well, the coach journey down wasn't great but could have been worse I suppose. managed to get throught the whole of 'Changes'. Jim Butcher's writing hasn't slipped at all and the book is a real rollercoaster ride where you're never quite sure who's going to make it. Harry Dresden does some really scary things and yet they're all believable given the circumstances. As for the ending, it was a bloody cliffhanger and yet I didn't mind. Can't wait for the next installment (If there is a next installment. The cliffhanger could be taken a lot of ways!)

Anyhow, arrived in Oxford at around 7.00am and, since I couldn't get onto the campsite till 12.00pm, I decided to have a general wander round. Fortunately, the weather was gorgeous and I set off to explore. Oxford is really lovely. I've never been before (and I could never stand 'Morse') so I didn't really have any idea what to expect but it really was pretty (even allowing for the fact that the weather was probably showing the city to it's best advantage).
Wombled off to the campsite for 12.00 and found it was very nice and friendly (although it turned out to be fairly noisy at night due to being next to some mechanical business of some description so I was fairly grateful for my hearing quirks), set up my tent and found I was camping next to one of the Bellowhead Forum members so it was lovely to meet up with someone else down there. I had a nap for the rest of the afternoon and then set off to the Town Hall to collect my ticket. There I met up with more Bellowhead Forum members and we went for a really rather nice indian meal before heading back for the Friday evening concert.
Once in the hall, I headed straight for the front where I was met by a whole host of Bellowhead Forum members who were incredibly friendly and enthusiastic and it was just really nice to be able to put names to faces.
The first act on was 'Telling the Bees', a band from Oxford who I've never heard before. Really enjoyed their set, very mellow and yet oddly haunting (bought one of their CD's at the weekend as well, which I've really enjoyed.)
Next up was Maclaine Colston and Saul Rose who were brilliant. Good music, funny banter and just really enjoyable. Sadly, cause we were sat on the floor at the front and not everyone else was, we didn't get a great view but the music more than made up for it.
Then it was Bellowhead. They were amazing. Chaotic, funny, very silly and just so full of energy. It was their 6th birthday party so the band were batting balloons into the audience and letting off party poppers (or trying to in some cases) everywhere and, at one point, wearing false noses! Jon Boden managed to throw his coat off in Fire Marengo so that it landed on his own head. He managed to keep singing so it was a shame that half the fiddle section nearly collapsed in giggles. Very funny. They played a fair few tunes from the album they've just finished recording which were great fun and have guaranteed that I'll be buying the CD when it comes out around October if only for the song Paul Sartin introduced as being about something very dear to the band's hearts;- 'Funky Wizard Sex'!. I don't think I've ever bounced so much. Did get a bit startled at one point when a party popper went off and landed on my head. There was an absolutely manic giggle behind me as the streamers got lifted up and I turned round thinking that it was still one of the other lasses behind me, only it wasn't. It was Saul Rose. Ye gods, he's tall. Anyhow, I think I can safely say that Bellowhead have now joined the Oysterband as my joint first favourite band and I can't wait to see them again.

After we got chucked out of the Town Hall, a few of us headed off to a late night ice cream parlour place where I had some very nice passion fruit sorbet before walking back to the campsite. Apparently there was ice on my tent that night but, due to a combination of me still being hyper from the concert and a nice new snuggly sleeping bag, I never noticed.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Bounce and Books

'Changes', the latest Dresden File novel by Jim Butcher arrived last week. I really, really want to read it but, again, I think bad things are going to happen to the characters so I've been trying to put it off. I think I will take it to Oxford with me cause that worked with Whitby with the last one.

Speaking of which, off to Oxford tonight (on a 10 hour coach journey which I'm not really looking forward to) so the weekend starts here. So excited! Have been writing out lists of stuff to calm me down a bit but it's not working that well.

Have to head off to Linlithgow tonight after work to pick up a parcel which should have been left at my door last night. I would leave it but I'll not have another chance to collect it before it would get sent back. Besides, it's a new sleeping bag which I ordered because my current one is going at the seams (again, like my rucksack, it was a cheap thing that's seen some hard use and is even older so fair enough) so I can take that along to Oxford and be nice and cosy.

Damnit! I want to be in Oxford now!

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Extra Bounce and Needle Attacks!

Spent last night trying to get the hallway clear and I succeeded but only because everything is now in the sitting room!. Never mind, it means that the meter reading whatsit can get to the meter (and he had better come tonight!).

Tonight I will mostly be packing for Oxford since I'm getting the coach on Thursday night. Will also be reinforcing the bottom of the soft bag I bought at IVFDF since it always tends to go in bags like that and it's useful and I would like it to last.

Very, very excited. Have printed off all my booking things (campsite, coach and festival ticket) and the venues map and have been listening to Bellowhead CD's and DVD at all opportunities.

Have also booked bits and bobs for Holmfirth (These would be camping and tickets to go and see Belshazzar's Feast and Rachel McShane) so excited about that too. Add to that the fact that the Freaks in the Peaks Canal trip is sneaking up on me and I am a bouncy little gremlin indeed.

Got a little bit of the bounce knocked out of me last night when I managed to bring my hand down hard on the blunt end of a needle (well I will use the settee arm as a pincushion). It went pretty deep and I now have a slightly swolled and reddened puncture wound in the centre of my left hand. Will have to keep an eye on that (boom, boom!) Anyhow...

Looking around at stuff last night, I really, really need to have a big clear out (not just a big tidy!) The chest of drawers in the hall can certainly go (especially since I think the only thing keeping it upright is the stuff inside it!) and I can replace it with a cheap basket stand thing from Ikea or some such cause most of the stuff inside it can be binned too. All the books are sacrosanct, as are the CD's but there's a lot of DVD's I can see if I can sell to one of those second hand DVD shops. There's also a lot of reenactment kit I just don't use any more, mostly because it's rubbish so it'll be a case of binning rather than selling on. There's also the electronic items graveyard (hoovers, kettles, irons, heaters etc) that I seem to be hanging on to for unknown reasons. They can definitely go.

Anyhow, while not loking forward to another overnight coach journey (and the fact that I arrive in Oxford at around 07.45 but can't get in to the campsite till 12.00), I am definitely having problems containing the bounce being generated by this weekend. I've never been to Oxford before and am quite keen to see round it (please let the weather be nice!) and, as well as Bellowhead, I'm really looking forward to seeing MacLaine Colston and Saul Rose, The Demon Barber Road Show, Paul Hutchinson and Karen Tweed (I think they are going to win out over the northumbrian pipes workshop) and going to the workshops (I'm aiming for the singing and harp playing ones and possibly some morris) and, of course I will be keeping my eyes peeled for rapper since I think Black Adder will be there.

Monday 12 April 2010

DERT 2010 (Part 2)

After the prizes, we headed along to the Exeter. We had a bit of a chat with Hexham rapper (Who, we found placed just ahead of us in the Open. We were, apparently, eighth! Not bad for our first time competing. We decided to do a dance in the pub. We kidnapped Hexham's melodeon player and made a fairly respectable showing I felt, considering that 3 members of the side were out of position and we didn't go wrong. Anyhow, much, much fun. Spent the rest of the evening chatting with Hexham and some of the Mables
On leaving the Exeter at closing time, Andy, Neil and I headed to the Rowing Club (one of the other sleeping venues) which had a bar. Had a really good time and sang along a little bit before we headed back to the Rycote Centre. I spent a little time at the session there on getting back and was even drunk enough to sing along even though there weren't many singing. I was very quiet and gods know whether I was in tune but at least I knew the words (The songs were Doli a and Bonny at Morn which I think every Northumbrian is born knowing). I stayed up just long enough to watch certain members of our side helping to put one of the Candyrapper dancers in a box (I believ he got away though) before I went off to bed.

May have experienced my first ever hangover on Sunday morning. Not very impressive and no pain, just very tired and a little off (There were those who looked worse!) but it passed quickly as we met up with the rest of the side for breakfast. After that, we headed to The Flowerpot where we caught the end of the Kingsmen's workshop (which I would have liked to have seen but didn't feel up to dancing in) and saw Stonemonkey dance before we got our hands on the judges comments. Most of these were pretty positive and constructive and I think we mainly have to work on kit and stepping. Now I have my new shoes I plan to practice stepping as often as possibe as soon as I find the floor again.

The trip back up north was a bit of a trial, slightly eased by listening to Belshazzar's Feast and Mitch Benn, but my shoulders were incredibly stiff and I was dead on my feet when I got back.

Watched Doctor Who before I went to bed and really enjoyed it. Like the lack of manic running and really liking the new doctor and his companion.

Anyhow, was expecting to crash badly today but I think excitement about the Oxford Folk Festival next weekend is keeping me hyper. If the weather could be like it was this weekend, that would be appreciated!

Must clear the hall tonight cause the man's coming to read the meter on Wednesday and it would probably help if he can get in.

DERT 2010 (Part 1)

Had a brief panic on Thursday evening when I put my kit for Dert into my rucksack and the bloody thing disintergrated. (To be fair, it's over 12 years old and was a cheap thing which has seen some hellish hard use so it's done pretty well). This had me venturing into town on Friday morning in search of a replacement where I discovered a new shop that has opened on Prince's Street which seems to have everything on offer at the moment. Managed to find a new rucksack for a very good price and also bought a self-inflating sleeping mat type thing to save weight and space when I head down to Oxford on the coach the next weekend.

Anyhow, random stuff sorted, I picked up everyone and down to Derby we headed. A boring but uneventful drive (and thank you to Neil for using his sat nav to find the registration venue) we got to the Brewery Tap in Derby at around 19.30, picked up our wristbands, t-shirts and (quite sweet) monkey keyrings (The resident group is Stone Monkey) and then headed off to the Rycote centre where we sleeping. Excitement set back in as we said hallo to Gaorsach who were also sleeping there (in their one enormous bed and matching slippers and pyjamas) and I tried to work out how to work the self-inflating matress which, helpfully, didn't come with instructions. We were all a little fascinated with it and although I was convinced that it was inflating not everyone else was. It was decided to leave it, meet up with the rest of Mons Meg and leave it to it's own devices. I had a very good night but don't remember that much of it due to drinking 4 pints (they were very nice) having not eaten very much and then tiredness from the drive and from not sleeping particularly well the past week or so hitting me like a brick. Anyhow, went back to the sleeping venue after closing time to find that the mat had pretty much inflated but decided to just finish it the rest of the way cause I wanted to sleep. (I would also just like to point out that the loos in the place were ridiculously high. My feet did not touch the floor when I sat down. I felt like I was 5!). Didn't sleep too much cause I kept waking up every half hour, partly cause that is, unfortunately, my normal sleeping pattern and partly cause I was just a little bit excited.

Saturday morning, I was exceedingly bouncy and it seemed to take ages for the rest of the side to get there. Watched a couple of the american teams (who were all in our venue too) practice and found the Tommy Toss one of the sides did very impressive.
Finally, all of our side met up and, better still, Kev had managed to get my new shoes soled for me! Not sure that putting them on for DERT was my best idea since it is a marked difference in how they feel to step in and the competition was probably not the best time to adapt to them but it was so nice to be wearing shoes that fitted!
It was also about this time that Trina pointed out that she'd forgotten to bring her light coloured bra and was stuck wearing her black one which was commented on by the judges last year. She remedied this by covering her black bra (and a lot of the toilet floor) in talc which covered the bra nicely but left me coughing everytime I went near her. Still, got to admire the ingenuity. The things we do for rapper!
Anyhow, we found our way down to the Flowerpot where we starting with a practice dance along with Sallyport and Star and Shadow who we were going round with. Practice dance went very well and it was great fun to watch the other sides (although Sallyport's song about spanking gnomes is going to stay with me for a while. Now with visuals, thanks to Andy!) before Dave from Stonemonkey (our erstwhile steward) herded us all together (and there's a comment about cats in there somewhere) and started us walking to our first competitive pub, The Brewery Tap. (He may have tried to give us instructions for the day at some point but we were all too busy mocking him and making jokes to actually listen. We're rapper dancers, it's what we do. Dave, however, was great and happily repeated all of what he'd just told us throughout the day at regular intervals when we asked.
There wasn't much room to get in to watch the dancers at the Brewery Tap so I went outside and watched Sallyport through the window behind the judges (and I may have amused myself by waving at them every so often) Got asked what was going on by a group of lads who were passing by. They were a little non-plussed by my explanation and then Sallyport's tommy ran out into the street to try and get them to come inside but I think he scared the hell out of them!
Our first dance was OK (even though I let go of a sword in Dambusters. This was mostly because I suddenly found out I had an infected cut on my finger by the shooting pain that ran up my arm when I gripped the sword but I got it back without any bother and Neil managed to get in a yellow card joke) and lots of us went out to try and put off Black Swan through the window while Neil and Andy went to raid Gregs. I did like the comment from one of Sallyport wondering if one of Black Swan had his phone on him...

Anyhow, lunch eaten, we set off for the next pub, the Alexandra. This pub had an incredibly slippy floor which really slowed our drive and knocked our confidence a bit but the dance went reasonably well. We got to watch Pengwyn dance and they looked on good form.

It was a bit of a lengthy walk to the next pub (The Falstaff) but the weather was gorgeous and the pub was a little gem. Full of odd things and weird fretwork. The ladies loos, though, were the real eyeopener and, quite frankly, the nicest loos I have ever seen in a pub (or anywhere else for that matter!) They were decked out in green and purple with chiffon curtains (and purple loo seats!) with a kind of posh glass dish as a hand basin. The Star and Shadow lasses and myself were so enthusiastic about them that most of the Sallyport lads went into check! Really enjoyed dancing here. Nice floor and good atmosphere and just generally fun.

After the long hike back into town, we ambled along to our next venue which was the stage at the Guildhall. We'd been hearing some horror stories about it all day but, I think by the time we got there, there were a few more people in the audience and our 3 sides had been supporting each other fairly enthusiastically throughout the day so I actually enjoyed that dance as well. We stayed on for a bit to watch Sallyport trying to make Phil and Aubs laugh while they were being interviewed by some lass from the BBC (And her boom operator who was carrying either an overweight ferret or a tribble moving at speed. We never quite decided which) for a program they're doing on folk dance. Ian got some brilliantly funny pictures of their faces while they were doing this. Hopefully they'll be up on the Mons Meg site at some point.

Our last dance was in The Flowerpot again and, again, it was a really good atmosphere. We had one fairly minor mishap when Trina tripped in the spin, hit the floor and was dragged across the floor for a while a la Jean Torville in Bolero, but she did with style, was helped back to her feet and went back into the spin as if nothing had happened! Talk about recovery!

After a quick practice of Winlaton outside in the beergarden, we headed off to the Quad for the Traditional competition. Would probably have been a lot more nervous about this (since Winalot didn't exactly go well in our last practice) if I hadn't been mildly tipsy at this point. We were also busy laughing because Trina had, for reasons best known to herself, run through the fountain in the square and had, as a result, a fantastically see through wet shirt. Fortunately she had a spare shirt with her although I still think the wet version would have garnered us more points with the judges! Anyhow, it was lovely to see how other sides did Winlaton and our dance was probably the best we've ever done it. I think we had one minor mistake that was barely noticable and we recovered immediately from and the lock held together (and my shoulder is still attached with no pain. Although, this too could have been thanks to the alcohol)

This was followed by tea (which was a surprisingly nice cottage pie for me) and then back to the Guildhall to catch the rest of the evening dances. We'd missed a lot of them since we'd been doing the traditional but we caught Bristol Rapper (who had number 5 tommying from within the set, mostly by expression alone and was hilarious!) and we got to see the Kingsmen who were very good and you had to love the ABBA calling on song.

Can't really remember who won what except that Black Swan won the music, High Spen won the Traditional and The Kingsmen won best character, the Premier and the Steve Marris. Well deserved.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Dragons and Weather

Went to see 'How to Train Your Dragon', last night. Very, very funny and just a really good film. Some of the accents may have been a teensy bit suspect but the dragons were fantastic and I now want one! Saw it in 3D but I don't think there would have been too much difference in seeing it in 2D. Well worth seeing.

Planning to try and do a bit more tidying tonight. Must also do my washing so it gets a chance to dry before DERT. Getting a little edgy about DERT now. Keep practicing my stepping in random places.

Hoping this weather holds for the next 2 weekends. Not quite so important for the DERT weekend, I suppose, since we'll be inside most of the time (although it'd make walking between the pubs a mite more pleasant) but it would certainly improve my camping experience in Oxford! (Must contact the campsite and let them know that I'll be arriving a little earlier than planned)

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Ups and Downs

Weekend got off to a bit of a bad start on Friday when I finally turned into my mam and put unleaded petrol in my diesel car! Fortunately, while I'm daft enough to do this, I wasn't daft enough to start the car engine so at least there's that.
The AA man came to tow me to a garage (and admitted to me that he'd done the selfsame thing 2 days before. Apparently there's been a large number of incidences recently. No clue why) where it took 2 lads 1/2 and hour to open the bonnet because the fastenings had seized (Only opened it a week ago!) and then the bonnet cable snapped! Anyhow, they managed to drain the tank and then it took 3 of them over an hour to try and shut the bonnet again. They didn't manage it in the end so my bonnet is now tied down with cable ties.
Then one of them went to put my oil (cause I'd just double checked my oil and water since I didn't know when I was going to get my bonnet open again) in my boot and, before I could warn him not to open it by the handle (see previous tale about the loose number plate), the poor lad was standing with the whole set up dangling from his hand. This just pushed me over the edge and I creased up with giggles which had them looking at me in a very nervous manner. Anyhow, we got the thing glued back on, paid up and prepared to set off only to find that my safety belt (for reasons best known to itself) had decided to jam. By now everyone was in fits and waiting to see what the amazing collapsing car was going to attempt next. Anyhow, by now it was very late and I was missing a lot of money so I had to give up on the Buittle weekend which I'm a little miffed about but, since it was my own fault, I can't really complain too much. On the other hand I managed to get a little bit of tidying done (I've found the bed!) and a lot of various instrument practice (Have worked out a slightly (emphasis on slightly) more complicated accompanyment to Bobby Shaftoe).

In good things, got my hair cut and I think I will use him again since it was very reasonably priced and he listened when I pointed out that I'm spending most of this year camping in fields and therefore styling of any kind is not an option (I avoided mentioning that it would have been pretty much the same scenario if I had been staying at home!). No more getting my hair caught in swordlocks for a while. Huzzah!
I've heard back from Whitby about stewarding for the Folk Week. They want me on the rifle club for some afternoons and evenings which is fine. If I do get programmed on for the rapper evening thing, I suppose I can try and swap it off. Still, free ticket and camping, so, you know, small price.

Watched Doctor Who on the iplayer. Liking the new lad and liked the little lass playing Amelia. She was scarily unannoying for a child actor. The older version was fun too (although, please let them not go down the whole romance route again. ) and I loved the joke about frying. Nice to see an episode taking place on earth that isn't set in London too.
On the whole, looking forward to the series.

Rapper practice was scarily relaxed last night given that it's DERT this weekend. The Steak Pie dance is looking good (other than the time that I tried to move to position for the wrong tumble and walked smack bang in to the sword between 1 and 5 (which, I may add, they were holding at around chest height and yet it managed to catch me across the forehead!). Anyhow, that aside...)
Winalot fell apart a bit because we didn't have a musician and it's difficult to remember where you are when stepping in 8's but seems mostly OK except for the backlock which we're just going to play be ear. (On a better note, I think I may have fixed my shoulder since I only got twinges while dancing last night and that's a huge improvement). DERT excitement is now starting to set in in earnest.

As if that wasn't enough, I also have Oxford to get excited about! First time seeing Bellowhead live! Just a little bouncy.

Off to see 'How to Train Your Dragon' tonight (3D again I think).

Thursday 1 April 2010

Odds and Ends

Parcel turned out to be a 'How to Play Melodeon' book so that was a nice surprise. Worth going out for.

Weather seems to have brightened up, now if it can just stay like this for Oxford I'll be a happy gremlin!

Must remember to do my washing for the weekend so that I can get it dried. (Nice thing about linen is that it dries fast.) If it stays like this I might be able to put it out on the line again.

Haircut tonight. will be interesting to see what they come up with. What the hell, the stuff grows fast enough that I can't bring myself to be that bothered (Just please don't let them try to have a conversation with me. My focus is completely on not hitting them for touching my head and I feel it is wise not to distract me from that!)

In festival news, have now booked tickets and camping for Ely, am still waiting on hearing from Whitby for Stewarding and have been watching the Bellowhead DVD to try and calm myself down before Oxford (that's not really working. I know Bellowhead are recording a new album at the moment and I have a wish that they include 'Haul Away' and 'If You Will Not Have Me' on it cause it's really frustrating only being able to listen to them on the DVD and not on my ipod. Ah well, shall see.) Been eying up the workshops at Oxford. I quite fancy trying the harp one and the melodeon workshop might be good to go and sit in on. There's also a Northumbrian pipes workshop but it clashes with Karen Tweed and Paul Hutchinson. The decision on that one may have to come down to the wire cause I really can't make up my mind which I want to attend more.