Monday 12 April 2010

DERT 2010 (Part 2)

After the prizes, we headed along to the Exeter. We had a bit of a chat with Hexham rapper (Who, we found placed just ahead of us in the Open. We were, apparently, eighth! Not bad for our first time competing. We decided to do a dance in the pub. We kidnapped Hexham's melodeon player and made a fairly respectable showing I felt, considering that 3 members of the side were out of position and we didn't go wrong. Anyhow, much, much fun. Spent the rest of the evening chatting with Hexham and some of the Mables
On leaving the Exeter at closing time, Andy, Neil and I headed to the Rowing Club (one of the other sleeping venues) which had a bar. Had a really good time and sang along a little bit before we headed back to the Rycote Centre. I spent a little time at the session there on getting back and was even drunk enough to sing along even though there weren't many singing. I was very quiet and gods know whether I was in tune but at least I knew the words (The songs were Doli a and Bonny at Morn which I think every Northumbrian is born knowing). I stayed up just long enough to watch certain members of our side helping to put one of the Candyrapper dancers in a box (I believ he got away though) before I went off to bed.

May have experienced my first ever hangover on Sunday morning. Not very impressive and no pain, just very tired and a little off (There were those who looked worse!) but it passed quickly as we met up with the rest of the side for breakfast. After that, we headed to The Flowerpot where we caught the end of the Kingsmen's workshop (which I would have liked to have seen but didn't feel up to dancing in) and saw Stonemonkey dance before we got our hands on the judges comments. Most of these were pretty positive and constructive and I think we mainly have to work on kit and stepping. Now I have my new shoes I plan to practice stepping as often as possibe as soon as I find the floor again.

The trip back up north was a bit of a trial, slightly eased by listening to Belshazzar's Feast and Mitch Benn, but my shoulders were incredibly stiff and I was dead on my feet when I got back.

Watched Doctor Who before I went to bed and really enjoyed it. Like the lack of manic running and really liking the new doctor and his companion.

Anyhow, was expecting to crash badly today but I think excitement about the Oxford Folk Festival next weekend is keeping me hyper. If the weather could be like it was this weekend, that would be appreciated!

Must clear the hall tonight cause the man's coming to read the meter on Wednesday and it would probably help if he can get in.

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