Tuesday 6 April 2010

Ups and Downs

Weekend got off to a bit of a bad start on Friday when I finally turned into my mam and put unleaded petrol in my diesel car! Fortunately, while I'm daft enough to do this, I wasn't daft enough to start the car engine so at least there's that.
The AA man came to tow me to a garage (and admitted to me that he'd done the selfsame thing 2 days before. Apparently there's been a large number of incidences recently. No clue why) where it took 2 lads 1/2 and hour to open the bonnet because the fastenings had seized (Only opened it a week ago!) and then the bonnet cable snapped! Anyhow, they managed to drain the tank and then it took 3 of them over an hour to try and shut the bonnet again. They didn't manage it in the end so my bonnet is now tied down with cable ties.
Then one of them went to put my oil (cause I'd just double checked my oil and water since I didn't know when I was going to get my bonnet open again) in my boot and, before I could warn him not to open it by the handle (see previous tale about the loose number plate), the poor lad was standing with the whole set up dangling from his hand. This just pushed me over the edge and I creased up with giggles which had them looking at me in a very nervous manner. Anyhow, we got the thing glued back on, paid up and prepared to set off only to find that my safety belt (for reasons best known to itself) had decided to jam. By now everyone was in fits and waiting to see what the amazing collapsing car was going to attempt next. Anyhow, by now it was very late and I was missing a lot of money so I had to give up on the Buittle weekend which I'm a little miffed about but, since it was my own fault, I can't really complain too much. On the other hand I managed to get a little bit of tidying done (I've found the bed!) and a lot of various instrument practice (Have worked out a slightly (emphasis on slightly) more complicated accompanyment to Bobby Shaftoe).

In good things, got my hair cut and I think I will use him again since it was very reasonably priced and he listened when I pointed out that I'm spending most of this year camping in fields and therefore styling of any kind is not an option (I avoided mentioning that it would have been pretty much the same scenario if I had been staying at home!). No more getting my hair caught in swordlocks for a while. Huzzah!
I've heard back from Whitby about stewarding for the Folk Week. They want me on the rifle club for some afternoons and evenings which is fine. If I do get programmed on for the rapper evening thing, I suppose I can try and swap it off. Still, free ticket and camping, so, you know, small price.

Watched Doctor Who on the iplayer. Liking the new lad and liked the little lass playing Amelia. She was scarily unannoying for a child actor. The older version was fun too (although, please let them not go down the whole romance route again. ) and I loved the joke about frying. Nice to see an episode taking place on earth that isn't set in London too.
On the whole, looking forward to the series.

Rapper practice was scarily relaxed last night given that it's DERT this weekend. The Steak Pie dance is looking good (other than the time that I tried to move to position for the wrong tumble and walked smack bang in to the sword between 1 and 5 (which, I may add, they were holding at around chest height and yet it managed to catch me across the forehead!). Anyhow, that aside...)
Winalot fell apart a bit because we didn't have a musician and it's difficult to remember where you are when stepping in 8's but seems mostly OK except for the backlock which we're just going to play be ear. (On a better note, I think I may have fixed my shoulder since I only got twinges while dancing last night and that's a huge improvement). DERT excitement is now starting to set in in earnest.

As if that wasn't enough, I also have Oxford to get excited about! First time seeing Bellowhead live! Just a little bouncy.

Off to see 'How to Train Your Dragon' tonight (3D again I think).

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