Monday 26 April 2010

Domestic Weekend

Why is it that, when you attend a meeting you really don't want to last too long, there's always one numpty ready to stretch it out for no apparent reason?! The election training would have taken long enough without the gentleman who decided to keep butting in with stories and sarcastic remarks about his previous experience working the elections. The majority of us had done it before, we all had experiences like that but did we go on about them? No. Why not? Well, it was a Friday evening and we all wanted to get home before 9pm.

I ended up going to see Repo Men at the cinema on the way home to cheer myself up. Not a bad film, the premise was interesting and the acting was good but the direction was a bit daft (especially the main finale scene. Some of the most laughable and medically dubious actions I have ever seen). The twist wasn't really unexpected (you could see it coming from the first time someone mentioned it) but I've seen worse films and it made me laugh (albeit, not always at the right things but you take what you can get).

Saturday, I wombled into town to get some type of fabric throw type things to cover the glass doors in the burrow (and who the hell uses a glass door for a bathroom?!) since the posters I've been using are starting to disintergrate. On the way in, I passed the Farmers' Market which I usually miss cause I'm either doing stuff or don't remember it's on so I took the opportunity to have a ramble. Ended up buying a game pie (venison, wild boar and pheasant) which was one of the yummiest things I've ever eaten. May have to try and go along next week and hope that trader is there again.
Anyhow, managed to get some cheap throws and a tin whistle in D (I don't know how I got that either) and set off back to the burrow where I spent the rest of the day doing random bits of frenzied tidying interspersed with lots of musical instrument (especially now that I seem to have added another one!). Finished the day by watching Doctor Who on i-player. Much better episode than last week and it's a 2 parter which always seems to work better.

On Sunday, I remembered to put my tent out to air (the weather was good when I put it away at Oxford but the underside was very wet). Sadly, my putting the tent on the line was obviously the signal the rain gods were waiting for and I now have a burrow full of even wetter tent that I am trying to air out. Almost thought there was going to be a thunderstorm yesterday what with the general mugginess and humidity but, nothing doing.

Have been eyeing up Bellowhead's November tour dates. It looks like the Edinburgh date is going to clash with the melodeons weekend at Witney (which I really want to go to), however, having looked at buses and dates, I think that I could go down to the one in London which is on a Saturday, see folks down that way and then see the gig at Sheffield on the Sunday before heading back up north... There's still a couple of dates that haven't been confirmed yet so, if one of them's Gateshead, I may womble along to that too.

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