Friday 23 April 2010

Falkirk and Election Woes

Well, Falkirk last night (although we did have a text from James at one point asking if we said Falkirk or Selkirk which caused a few moments ofamusement). We started off dancing at the Folk Club at Argyles with Winalot. Not our best dance, stepping was atrocious, but it went down well enough. We then scarpered off to dance in 2 more pubs. Neither had many people in (the second only had 2) but they were all very appreciative and we are apparently welcome to come back which is always nice. James got his first dance out with us in the second pub which (apart from him desperately trying to escape in Strangler) went really well. We then returned to Argyles to do the Steak Pie dance.This went a lot better than the Winalot but the stepping was still truly horrible. Dot and Ian both did turns and we stayed to the end of the night before heading home. I do wish I had the nerve to get up and do stuff like that but it's still really fun just to sit and listen.

Apparently I managed to miss my election training session last night (hadn't realised it was that date) and got a very patronising phone call this morning telling me off for it. I wouldn't mind, I did stuff up after all and they do want reliability but I've been working the election for quite a few years now and I haven't put a foot wrong and I really wasn't in the mood for being patronised which possibly led me to be a little breezy about missing it on the phone which, I suspect, was not the attitude they were looking for. Upshot is that I have a replacement session at 7pm tonight. There goes my evening.

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