Wednesday 14 April 2010

Extra Bounce and Needle Attacks!

Spent last night trying to get the hallway clear and I succeeded but only because everything is now in the sitting room!. Never mind, it means that the meter reading whatsit can get to the meter (and he had better come tonight!).

Tonight I will mostly be packing for Oxford since I'm getting the coach on Thursday night. Will also be reinforcing the bottom of the soft bag I bought at IVFDF since it always tends to go in bags like that and it's useful and I would like it to last.

Very, very excited. Have printed off all my booking things (campsite, coach and festival ticket) and the venues map and have been listening to Bellowhead CD's and DVD at all opportunities.

Have also booked bits and bobs for Holmfirth (These would be camping and tickets to go and see Belshazzar's Feast and Rachel McShane) so excited about that too. Add to that the fact that the Freaks in the Peaks Canal trip is sneaking up on me and I am a bouncy little gremlin indeed.

Got a little bit of the bounce knocked out of me last night when I managed to bring my hand down hard on the blunt end of a needle (well I will use the settee arm as a pincushion). It went pretty deep and I now have a slightly swolled and reddened puncture wound in the centre of my left hand. Will have to keep an eye on that (boom, boom!) Anyhow...

Looking around at stuff last night, I really, really need to have a big clear out (not just a big tidy!) The chest of drawers in the hall can certainly go (especially since I think the only thing keeping it upright is the stuff inside it!) and I can replace it with a cheap basket stand thing from Ikea or some such cause most of the stuff inside it can be binned too. All the books are sacrosanct, as are the CD's but there's a lot of DVD's I can see if I can sell to one of those second hand DVD shops. There's also a lot of reenactment kit I just don't use any more, mostly because it's rubbish so it'll be a case of binning rather than selling on. There's also the electronic items graveyard (hoovers, kettles, irons, heaters etc) that I seem to be hanging on to for unknown reasons. They can definitely go.

Anyhow, while not loking forward to another overnight coach journey (and the fact that I arrive in Oxford at around 07.45 but can't get in to the campsite till 12.00), I am definitely having problems containing the bounce being generated by this weekend. I've never been to Oxford before and am quite keen to see round it (please let the weather be nice!) and, as well as Bellowhead, I'm really looking forward to seeing MacLaine Colston and Saul Rose, The Demon Barber Road Show, Paul Hutchinson and Karen Tweed (I think they are going to win out over the northumbrian pipes workshop) and going to the workshops (I'm aiming for the singing and harp playing ones and possibly some morris) and, of course I will be keeping my eyes peeled for rapper since I think Black Adder will be there.

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