Thursday 28 January 2010

Morris Excitement

Getting along nicely with my tattercoat. (Although I now have a blister on my thumb from using the pinking shears to cut more tatters!) Am trying to alleviate my excitement for the weekend by making lists of what I need to take. I always do this and I don't know why cause I never actually use them. Hope the weather stays nice for the walk anychance.
Really wishing I was better at using my sewing machine cause I would have had the thing finished by now. Handsewing a tattercoat is not fun (still, at least it's not as mindnumbing as handsewn boning channels. I still have nightmares about my first effort at replicating a late C16th pair of bodies. I've never worn them out (although they were a fantastic learning experience and, when I come to try it again, I'll have a much better idea of what I'm doing) but if I do find myself needing body armour (for whatever reason), they should be ideal!)

Found out that Sherlock Holmes and Avatar 3D will still be on at the cinema next week so have promised my self that I will finally get round to seeing Avatar and then I can go and see Sherlock Holmes again. Still, it's nice to know I'm getting my money's worth out of the Unlimited Card!

Fiddle class tonight and then will spend the rest of the evening sewing like a sewy thing. I've taken the whole of tomorrow off and I don't have to collect Trina until 1pm so I can sort out my stuff tomorrow morning, do some last minute sewing and possibly get some clarinet practice in.

After this weekend, I'm starting a health kick. I really do need to lose the weight I put on in the Autumn (and a little extra to be honest) and I could do with being fitter. Have bought a healthy diet cook book thing so will actually attempt to cook healthy stuff rather than living off my usual tuna, soy sauce, tomato and pasta mush. Must also take more exercise so shall have to get along to the irish set classes. (Am giving up on scottish country at the moment as, for starters, I have fiddle on the same night and it'd just be too much for one night and, also, my heart just isn't in the practices at the moment. I'll still try to get along to some dances this year (she says having already missed the Edinburgh one last weekend) but it's not the priority it once was.)
So there's that to do and the flat to finally finish tidying and rats to organise.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Random Finds

On the way home last night, spotted one of those strings of fake greenery for a £1. Bought it for no better reason than 'pretty' and 'I'm sure I can find a use for that' (which is possibly why there's no room to move in the burrow!). Anyhow, got it home and thought, 'That'll look great on my top hat!' and, sure enough, it does. So good buy, I feel. Also got some more work done on the tattercoat last night (It's actually starting to resemble something other than a shirt with scraps attached) It's going to be a close run thing but I might actually finish it in time for Hathersage! Also I found out that I've got a place on the Freaks in the Peaks canal boat trip so Huzzah!

Having not touched my clarinet since before Christmas, (much to my neighbours relief, I'm sure) I now have an irresistable urge to start again so I shall.

Also have a chance at getting a very good, very cheap rat cage so that is also very good.

Continuing to bounce about the Freaks weekend which isn't helping my sewing!

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Bridge Collapse

Well, was about to put fiddle in new case last night when the bridge collapsed. Fortunately, it wasn't broken (just horizontal) so I managed to resite it and retune the thing but definitely going to have to get a new bridge the weekend after next.

Rapper was good fun last night. We got through quite a lot and even had a go at putting together a simple workshop dance. The bar staff gave us all free haggis, neeps and tatties as well. Anything to stop us dancing I suppose.

Tonight I plan to make as much headway as I can on the tattercoat while watching Sherlock Holmes on DVD. I had forgotten just how good Jeremy Brett was!

Monday 25 January 2010

More Stuff To Do.

Well, Roger is now MOT'd and i am now on bread and water for the forseeable future. Passed on everything except his emissions and his brakes. Unfortunately it seemed the whole brake system had to be replaced (Apparently deep ruts in the brake discs. They were fine last MOT which makes me wonder if the increased grit use this year has had an effect. Ah well, so it goes). Still, at least I know he works. Must get his tax renewed now. Scary thing is, even with all this added cost, he's still been cheaper than any other car I have ever had. (This possibly means that I need to look closely at all my previous cars more than anything else!). No matter, he is set for going down to Hathersage and I am a little excited.

On the subject of Freaks, I made a start on bringing the tatters and the shirt into conjunction this weekend. (Nothing like leaving it to till the last minute). I reckon, if I work at it, I may get it finished before the weekend. Will have to see. Did a lot of fiddle practice this weekend too. Tried a lot of the morris tunes. Am really liking the tune for Twiglet. May even possibly be able to play it at weekend (albeit slowly and badly).

Snark rapper is coming to Edinburgh. Although we can't get a full Mons Meg team together to tour with them, a few of us intend to follow them around and take in the Snark experience. Also, it's rapper, you just have to!

Tried to get hold of the GMC on the phone but nothing doing so have e-mailed them again with a long and detailed explanation of what has happened, what is currently happening and what would like to happen. Will see what this does.

On a positive note, the washing machine behaved itself this weekend, (no doubt because I didn't go anywhere near it while it was on) so I may let it live.

Apparently Sherlock Holmes is still on at the cinema but I managed to go the whole weekend without wandering along which is a good thing but I am not allowed to go again until the tattercoat is finished (Otherwise it will never be finished, ever!)

Never managed to go and geet the fiddle's bridge fixed this weekend (mostly cause I was sat by the phone waiting to see if I could collect Roger) but I am waiting on it's new case arriving. It's original case sadly gave in to time last week and disintergrated on the way back from class, nearly dumping my fiddle on the road! Fortunately, managed to rescue the fiddle in the nick of time so it's still fine (apart from the bridge, obviously). Anyhow, new case is not exactly going to be state of the art (thougt process went, 'Arrgghh! Need something safe to put fiddle in it, what can I afford. Roger's MOT is coming up so probably not a lot. Oh look, cheap fiddle case on Amazon) but it will, apparently have a carry strap which would be nice since it will stop me nearly killing people with it when I have it in my hand.

Ooh, and we're entered in DERT!!!! Huzzah, let the nit-picking begin in earnest!

Friday 22 January 2010

Weekend Plans

Didn't make it to Dot's thing last night cause I was completely knackered after fiddle class (where we're learning Auld Lang Syne in order to terrorise friends and family on Burn's Night!)

Getting increasingly nervous about Roger's MOT. Please let whatever he fails on be easily (and cheaply, but that's a more distant and subdued hope!) fixable, please.

Plan this weekend is to wander into town to pick up a couple of things, tidy the burrow, have another go at contacting the GMC, create the tattercoat, maybe go and see Avatar 3D (now that I can't be sidetracked into seeing Sherlock Holmes) and probably watch lots of Jeremy Brett Holmes episodes on DVD.

Have come to the conclusion that I can't remember how to do anything on Facebook (although that kind of assumes that I had a clue what to do with it in the first place!) May have to enlist some help in order to work out what to do with it. Other people have all these groups and photos and games and I can barely find the people I already 'friended'. I think I was meant for the age of steam at the latest! On that note, the washing machine has been laying low although this could possibly be because I've not used it since. Need to do washing this weekend. Will be operating the buttons with a long stick and then going to hide in the bedroom until it's done!

Freaks in the Peaks next weekend! Little bit excited now. Never been to Hathersage but have always known it as the home of Little John thanks to Robin of Sherwood.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Murderous Machines.

My washing machine went for me last night! I was standing in the little kitchen area of the burrow, minding my own business, when it suddenly leapt at me and tried to pin me against the fridge! Have never moved so fast in my life. I think it's seen what has happened to all the electrical equipment in the burrow and decided to get me before I can get it. Anyhow, shall be keeping an eye on it in case it starts to become like my Gran's old machine which used to chase dogs and children round the kitchen and you couldn't turn your back on it or it would sneak up on you.

Managed to empty Roger last night but I still need to give him a good clean before tomorrow so I don't think I'll be able to make it to Dot's thing tonight which is a shame. Still, at least I managed to get some fiddle practice in last night. (Here's hoping they didn't suddenly leap ahead to other tunes while I was ill last week).

Really keeping my fingers crossed about Roger's MOT. I know he'll need something doing, cars always do, but please let it not be anything major. All his tyres have been replaced this year (and if I find whoever keeps leaving old nails on the roadside then there will be blood! And possibly tetanus!) and, other than his mysteriously draining battery (which has been fine since New Year) and the dead bulb where his mileage should read, he seems to be running well. I think that this might be my last year with him regardless though. With increasing costs of fuel and my leaning towards folk dancing rather than reenactment (apart from The Borderers where I don't need to take much with me) I think a smaller car may be warranted. He's insured till November so that gives me some time to decide. That said, he's been great this past year and a half. It may take a while to get him going but when he goes, there's no stopping him and his bootspace has been useful.

Right, definitely tattercoat sewing this weekend otherwise I'll have nothing to wear in Hathersage (Other than everyday clothes obviously, cause that would be chilly!) and, damnit, I want my own tattercoat!

Have booked my ticket for IVFDF so at least that's done. Have ordered a purple hoodie rather than a T-shirt cause the last one came in really useful. (May investigate whatever T-shirts are remaining at the actual weekend). Have been looking at the evening stuff and I quite fancy the 422 ceilidh on the Friday evening and Vertical Expression contra, followed by Whapweasel (who are also playing at The Big Session this year) on the Saturday. Of course, also on the Saturday is the Northumbrian ceilidh so there may be a bit of lateral drift throughout the evening. No idea about the workshops yet but if there are any random musical ones then I intend to go and loiter in a corner to get tips. Really enjoyed the fiddle one last year (and one day I hope to be able to put it to use!)

Ian has put up some pictures of one of our early day rapper practices on Facebook. There is a very odd picture of me curled up on the ground. I'm still wondering what on earth I was doing.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Odd Happenings

Didn't really do much last night except watch Jeremy Brett's Sherlock Holmes on DVD (The complete episodes DVD was on Amazon for £30. It usually costs over £100. Dot talked me into getting it. She didn't need to do a lot of work...). It's as good as I remember and Jeremy Brett is Sherlock Holmes. I suspect I'll start to feel a little sad when I reach the last series since that's the one where his health starts to go and you just see him go downhill on screen and yet the episodes are still great.

Anyhow, while I was busy doing nothing much, I had a sudden flash of inspiration and remembered my Facebook password so quickly logged on before I forgot it. There may have been quite a few people who I needed to 'friend'. It may have been some time since I was on. Anyhow, while I was trying to catch up, this little box appeared in the corner with a message from one of my best friends from school who I've not seen for years and years. It took me a little while to realise it was an instant messagy thing and even longer to work out how to reply. (Accidently hit return to get a new paragraph (Yep, I don't exactly have the art of 'messaging' down either) and found I'd replied) and ended up having a conversation (albeit a slightly confused one due to me still typing in paragraphs) with her. It was lovely to hear from her again (and talk about the possibility of meeting up in the summer when she's over from America) and I'm reminded that there are a fair few people I should probably try and catch up with. We got to chatting about the Yellowthread Street boks by William Marshall who we were both huge fans of in school. These are fantastic books about police detectives in Hong Kong when it was still under British rule, exciting, dark and hilarious by turns. Haven't read them in ages and I suddenly have the urge to read them all again.

Off to catch Sherlock Holmes at the cinema for the last time (I think it's ending it's run this week. I hope it's ending it's run this week, I might actually manage to get stuff done! It's Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean all over again!) and then I have to empty Roger of all the stuff that's currently living in him since he's booked in for his MOT on Friday (My bank account is cringing in anticipation!). Fiddle class tomorrow and then I might head to the Voodoo Bar to go and see Dot's pipe playing.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Getting Nitpicky

Very good rapper practice last night. With DERT looming, I suddenly go from ever so slighlty niggly to outright obsessive (please don't let me start dreaming about Flying Pixies again, please!) about figures. DERT's not till April and we don't even know if we've got a place in the competition yet and I'm already off! Doesn't bode well. Still we picked up on a lot of stuff that we need to correct in our Number 1 dance and we've pretty much got the basic shape of the Winlaton but we really need to start on the details.

Getting fairly excited about the Freaks in the Peaks weekend down in Hathersage at the end of the month. I will have my tattercoat finished, I will!

Must remember to book my ticket for IVFDF while I'm thinking about it, come to that. Don't think I'll get the bus down with New Scotland but will meander down in Roger since it's only to Durham. May even contemplate the train or bus. Will have a think on it.

Monday 18 January 2010

Imagined Village and Winter Feast

Well, missed fiddle practice due to not feeling at all well. Am trying to remember what a sense of impending doom is symptomatic for but, for the life of me, I can't recall.

Off to Glasgow on Friday to meet up with some of Mons Meg and attachments to go and see The Imagined Village at Celtic Connections and eat curry. The curry was very nice but the concert was superb. They were being supported by Jackie Oates (who also guested with them) who was entertaining and had a lovely voice. They only played 'Cold, Haily, Windy Night' from their previous album which was a shame but it was more than made up for by the new stuff. My particular favourites were 'Space Girl' (possibly because of the Theromin. And possibly the duck in the Space Helmet) and 'Mermaids' (Although their version of Scarborough Fair has a nice Wicker Man feel to it). There was a freaky bit where there cellist (who is scarily bouncy) kept playing bits and then moving on to another instrument while that bit was still repeating and just building up a tune that way (although I feel that drinking a bottle of water in the middle of it was just showing off!). Whole thing finished off with 'Come on, Feel the Noise'. Much gentler version than the Slade original but the audience had fun joining in. (Those old enough to know the words. I am.) All of this was followed by Trina's scarily good Slade impression outside. Really good evening.

On Saturday, I came to greatly regret offering to make bread. My first batch died a sad death when I got caught up with cutting tatters for my coat and forgot to get them out of the oven (whole burrow now smells distressingly like burnt toast!). The next lot just refused to rise (possibly cause I was a little panicked and hurrying) and came out as hockey pucks (that career in the Dwarven Bakery beckons...). At this point I may have said 'Sod it!' and headed off to buy bread from Sainsburys.
The actual MidWinter feast was lovely. Lots of food (most of it cooked in alcohol and most of it meat, good old medieaval cookery), I got to wear my pointy C15th hood and look like an evil gremlin and just enjoy good company. At some point I am going to have to make some kit for his kind of occasion that isn't lower class. Quite fancy something either C18th or late Victorian since it wouldn't have to be period specific. Will have a muse.

Meant to do something constructive on Sunday. Didn't though.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

What To Do, What To Do...

Well, due to unforseen circumstances, I'm not being accompanied to the cinema tonight. Now, I could still go and see Avatar (although chances are I will do what I normally do when there's a film I know I like on and mean to go and see Avatar and end up buying a ticket for Sherlock Holmes, which is fine, but not what I intended to do in the first place.), I could stay in and do a bit of work on my tattercoat or I could just acknowledge what will happen if I try and go to see Avatar with no-one to steer me and go and see Sherlock Holmes on purpose.
Hmm, will have to consider. Mind, the cinema is warmer than the burrow. Can always concentrate on the coat on Sunday.

Possibility of a rapper tour in Glasgow the weekend after this which could be fun.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Rapper Aftermath

Rapper practice last night was fun but not exactly energetic. This was partly because we had no musician but mostly because none of us were really awake. We did, as predicted, do a bit of stepping practice but I think I need to do quite a bit more in the burrow between fiddle practices to get up to scratch for DERT. Speaking of DERT, must send the booking form in.

Busy this week. Off to the library tonight, going to see Avatar in 3D with Vicki on Wednesday, fiddle class on Thursday, off to see The Imagined Village in Glasgow on Friday and then COSM's mid winter feast whatsit on Saturday. After that, Roger goes for his MOT.

It's very nice that the snow is now disappearing but the thaw is turning all the pavements into sheet ice and it's a little unnerving having to cling fences as I go (although, at least it's finally stopped my neighbour from cheerfully melting the ice outside our door each morning with water from her kettle...!) and that's with my walking boots on!

Must also get a move on with my tattercoat since the end of the month is creeping up. I have the shirt, I have the tatters, I just need to bring them into conjunction.

Monday 11 January 2010

Mons Meg Soiree

Had fun at Vicki's on Friday. We watched 'The Librarian; Quest for the Spear' which was hilariously bad. Apparently there are 2 sequels. Must look our for these.

Saturday was the Mons Meg ceilidh thing which has become known as 'The Soiree'. Was a little late meeting up with folks at Nobles (a pub which might have been built for rapper) for tea because I had to wait for the telephone repairman. On the other hand, I now have a working phone for the first time in months, which is nice. Now I just have to work on the Tv and the heating... Anyhow, had a nice tea (and got given a soft toy duck billed platypus by Trina. I have named him Bruce) and then decamped to The Village Inn. Absolutely fantastic evening.

We got things off to a cracking start with one of out better perfomances of our Number 1 dance (Our Winlaton, later on, went well except for the stepping. May need to work on that!), this was followed by story-telling from Kev with bemused accompaniament on the pipes from Andy, some Jake Thackery songs from Ian and random silly songs from various others (special mention goes to John and his kazoo and Stretch's Edinburgh version of 'Gorgie on My Mind'). We had some ceilidh dancing and Hazel had her first dance out in public which went really well. I believe there are (or soon will be photos up on the Mons Meg website )
After this we retreated to Trina's and continued with the silly songs and some more music. It might have been a mistake letting Trina make me cocktails. Apparently Vimto and Slivovitz (or however that is spelled. I don't even know what it is!) were involved. At any rate I was very giggly and chattery and at some point found a medical text book which I was apparently very happy about. Ended up spending the night and felt fine in the morning but I didn't think it was a good idea to try driving to Cupar so rang up and made my excuses and missed the COSM meeting. However, volunteered to make bread over the phone (well, in the kitchen. I know what I mean)
Slept for a little while when I got home and the went to see Sherlock Holmes again. Vicki has told me that there is a shot where the bridge is intact and I have become obsessed with finding it but I keep getting distracted. Besides, it's warm in the cinema!
Fantastic night out though. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and want to do it again. Hope we do.
Anyhow, rapper tonight (I suspect we may be practicing stepping in 8's).

Friday 8 January 2010

Familiar Fiddle Tune

Started learning Mairi's Wedding at class last night. I found I was either singing along or running through the dance in my head so paying no attention to actually playing the thing at all. Might need to put a stop to that.

Yet another fire alarm this morning (I now strongly suspect a devious scheme by work to get us to go for walks in the morning!). There is now another snowbunny (with slightly better eyesight) flanking my snowgremlin.

Roger's behaving himself which makes me think he's up to something but at least it means I can get to the Post Office depot tonight to collect an Amazon parcel which (I hope) contains some books including 'The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard' by Arthur Conan Doyle which I used to have years ago in Northumberland but was sadly lost to time. Should also hopefully contain Vicki's Christmas present since I'm off there tonight. Have decided to leave the library till next week.

As well as Mons Meg's do, have a COSM meeting in Cupar on Sunday. Hope the roads are clear. Apparently we're organising cooking for our Mid-Winter Feast next week. I think I shall volunteer to make bread if I can since that's pretty much my limit in a modern kitchen. (Hopefully it should go better than my attempts at Linlithgow!)

Am planning to go along to the Irish Set classes when I get the chance (ie not this week cause of Vicki and not next week when I'm going to see The Imagined Village) so we'll see how that goes.

Thursday 7 January 2010

I Give In

Alright, I give in. I'm now really enjoying Sherlock Holmes and will no doubt end up with the soundtrack and the DVD. (Plus I really, really want Watson's hat for Morris purposes!) However, I have stuff to do (lots of stuff) so, if people could stop offering to take me to see it again, that would be appreciated. (of course, now that it's made my 'like' list, I'll probably end up seeing it a couple more times anyway. There's a reason I have an Unlimited Card!)

Got through the rest of The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes last night so my eyes are a little squinty today due to the teeny tiny print. (And I still have Dangermouse running through my head!)

Another fire alarm this morning. I have now built a snow gremlin to go with my snow bunny (it stops me starting snowball fights)

First fiddle class of the Spring Term tonight and practice has not been what it should be over the break (and I still haven't got the bridge fixed) but looking forward to it. Aim for this year is to be able to play for morris if not for rapper (possibly slow motion rapper)

Library and an evening at Vicki's sewing and watching DVD's tomorrow and then Mons Meg (and hopefully a working phone!) on Saturday. Huzzah!

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Oops, Bad Gremlin

Well, as predicted, I found my copy of Sherlock Holmes and nothing else got done. This is not good cause I still have half a burrow to spring clean and fiddle to practice and reenactment and morris kit to make and GMC to follow up on and rats to chase up and stuff to get fixed.... Will just have to finish the thing tonight and get it out of the way! Course, that isn't going to be helped by the fact that I'm getting dragged to the cinema again tonight by a friend from work to see, yes, you've guessed it, Sherlock Holmes. Good job I've started enjoying it really.

I also have the Dangermouse theme running through my head which isn't helping anything!

It would also be really nice if it could stop snowing now (Although it is still very funny watching children trying to sledge on horizontal surfaces. It's not like Edinburgh is a completely flat city so I don't understand it but still laugh at it!)

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Stuff I Must Remember.

Need to get in some fiddle practice (which I've neglected shamefully over the Christmas holidays) since class starts again on Thursday and I need to go to the library tomorrow.
Then it's Mons Meg's soiree type thing on Saturday (after I've spent the day waiting for Virgin Media to come and fix the phone. After the last fiasco, what's the betting that they try to ring me to tell me what time they'll be there...)

Had a fire alarm this morning so spent a fair bit of time out in the park trying to resist the urge to build a snowman. Succeeded in as far as there is now a (somewhat crosseyed) snow bunny now glaring at people (although not the people he's actually facing) out there!

Might try and dig out my complete works of Sherlock Holmes tonight. This will not help with the fiddle practice but I'm in the mood for a bit of Holmes.

Must also book Roger in for his MOT. Must then plan diet of bread and water so I can afford what will probably be needed to get him through it...

New Year at Buittle

Well, spent the whole of Thursday at work worrying about the weather and periodically checking the forecast. Not at all encouraged by the fact that every forecast ended with the words 'and Dumfries and Galloway is locked in ice!'. However, by the end of work I thought, 'Sod it!', and set off anyway. I went across the M8 since it was snowing pretty heavily at this point and I have to assume that the road signs above the motorway were telling us about the heavy fog since all I could see was the glow through THE HEAVY FOG!!!!.
I remember thinking the moon looked particularly pretty on my way across but was wondering why it was green for about half an hour before it clicked that I have a tinted windscreen...
Anyhow, got through to D&G and, despite all the dire warnings about frost and ice, it was the clearest part of the journey (which was fortunate, given the somewhat steep, sloping corner on the way down to the tower).

Had a really fantastic weekend, just getting to see folks and drink wine and sit in front of a fire. (However, my small appetiser things making skills could probably use some improvement. Apparently I am unable to place cream cheese on a biscuit. Still, no-one died. Must also remember that my wearing heels means I have to duck going through the undercroft door!

Set off back on Sunday (having defrosted Roger and convinced him that yes, he did want to start!) Nearly didn't make it up the hill, (had a little slide backwards that caused me to stall him and, for a minute or two, I thought that might be me!) but, we rallied and made it up. Journey was fine until I reached the M74 where I ran into freezing fog. Stopped off at Abington Services to consider my options (and dig someone out of their parking space. Everybody should carry a shovel and sacking in this weather even if does make people think you're hiding bodies!) decided that I was happier on a familiar road and took the Biggar Road home. Bit snowy but not too bad and everybody was travelling at a sensible speed with sensible braking distances for once. Some truly impressive icicles on the eaves in some of the villages and some absolutely gorgeous snowy scenery.

Having got back to Edinburgh and found the burrow a little chilly, I decided to head the cinema to see Avatar. Got my times a little wrong and ended up seeing Sherlock Holmes again. I think a combination of tiredness and cheerfulness managed to shut down my Homes mania because I actually enjoyed it this time. I still think Irene Adler is horrendously annoying but Downey Jr's Holmes is growing on me and I still think that it contains one of the best portrayals of Watson I've seen in a long time. At this rate, by the time the sequel comes out, I'll actually be looking forward to it!

Meant to continue spring cleaning the Burrow on Monday, but that didn't happen. Stayed in my nest and watched the second part of Doctor Who instead. Not terribly impressed on the whole (although Bernard Cribbens was excellent and I would have loved it if he could have been a proper companion for a while and I adored the cactus aliens. They were just great. Also Timothy Dalton managed to make the most of the little he was given). The whole 'Doctor visiting all the people he's ever met and staring solemnly at them for no apparent reason' thing was mawkish and overlong. However, looking forward to the new Doctor (think Matt Smith is a very good actor in the other stuff I've seen him in) and Steven Moffatt at the helm.
Also managed to see 'The Water of Mars' which I missed due to Virgin Media having one of it's fits. Now this was more like it, claustrophobic, haunting and the Doctor is seen to be a dnagerous alien and doesn't win.