Monday 18 January 2010

Imagined Village and Winter Feast

Well, missed fiddle practice due to not feeling at all well. Am trying to remember what a sense of impending doom is symptomatic for but, for the life of me, I can't recall.

Off to Glasgow on Friday to meet up with some of Mons Meg and attachments to go and see The Imagined Village at Celtic Connections and eat curry. The curry was very nice but the concert was superb. They were being supported by Jackie Oates (who also guested with them) who was entertaining and had a lovely voice. They only played 'Cold, Haily, Windy Night' from their previous album which was a shame but it was more than made up for by the new stuff. My particular favourites were 'Space Girl' (possibly because of the Theromin. And possibly the duck in the Space Helmet) and 'Mermaids' (Although their version of Scarborough Fair has a nice Wicker Man feel to it). There was a freaky bit where there cellist (who is scarily bouncy) kept playing bits and then moving on to another instrument while that bit was still repeating and just building up a tune that way (although I feel that drinking a bottle of water in the middle of it was just showing off!). Whole thing finished off with 'Come on, Feel the Noise'. Much gentler version than the Slade original but the audience had fun joining in. (Those old enough to know the words. I am.) All of this was followed by Trina's scarily good Slade impression outside. Really good evening.

On Saturday, I came to greatly regret offering to make bread. My first batch died a sad death when I got caught up with cutting tatters for my coat and forgot to get them out of the oven (whole burrow now smells distressingly like burnt toast!). The next lot just refused to rise (possibly cause I was a little panicked and hurrying) and came out as hockey pucks (that career in the Dwarven Bakery beckons...). At this point I may have said 'Sod it!' and headed off to buy bread from Sainsburys.
The actual MidWinter feast was lovely. Lots of food (most of it cooked in alcohol and most of it meat, good old medieaval cookery), I got to wear my pointy C15th hood and look like an evil gremlin and just enjoy good company. At some point I am going to have to make some kit for his kind of occasion that isn't lower class. Quite fancy something either C18th or late Victorian since it wouldn't have to be period specific. Will have a muse.

Meant to do something constructive on Sunday. Didn't though.

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