Friday 8 January 2010

Familiar Fiddle Tune

Started learning Mairi's Wedding at class last night. I found I was either singing along or running through the dance in my head so paying no attention to actually playing the thing at all. Might need to put a stop to that.

Yet another fire alarm this morning (I now strongly suspect a devious scheme by work to get us to go for walks in the morning!). There is now another snowbunny (with slightly better eyesight) flanking my snowgremlin.

Roger's behaving himself which makes me think he's up to something but at least it means I can get to the Post Office depot tonight to collect an Amazon parcel which (I hope) contains some books including 'The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard' by Arthur Conan Doyle which I used to have years ago in Northumberland but was sadly lost to time. Should also hopefully contain Vicki's Christmas present since I'm off there tonight. Have decided to leave the library till next week.

As well as Mons Meg's do, have a COSM meeting in Cupar on Sunday. Hope the roads are clear. Apparently we're organising cooking for our Mid-Winter Feast next week. I think I shall volunteer to make bread if I can since that's pretty much my limit in a modern kitchen. (Hopefully it should go better than my attempts at Linlithgow!)

Am planning to go along to the Irish Set classes when I get the chance (ie not this week cause of Vicki and not next week when I'm going to see The Imagined Village) so we'll see how that goes.

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