Wednesday 20 January 2010

Odd Happenings

Didn't really do much last night except watch Jeremy Brett's Sherlock Holmes on DVD (The complete episodes DVD was on Amazon for £30. It usually costs over £100. Dot talked me into getting it. She didn't need to do a lot of work...). It's as good as I remember and Jeremy Brett is Sherlock Holmes. I suspect I'll start to feel a little sad when I reach the last series since that's the one where his health starts to go and you just see him go downhill on screen and yet the episodes are still great.

Anyhow, while I was busy doing nothing much, I had a sudden flash of inspiration and remembered my Facebook password so quickly logged on before I forgot it. There may have been quite a few people who I needed to 'friend'. It may have been some time since I was on. Anyhow, while I was trying to catch up, this little box appeared in the corner with a message from one of my best friends from school who I've not seen for years and years. It took me a little while to realise it was an instant messagy thing and even longer to work out how to reply. (Accidently hit return to get a new paragraph (Yep, I don't exactly have the art of 'messaging' down either) and found I'd replied) and ended up having a conversation (albeit a slightly confused one due to me still typing in paragraphs) with her. It was lovely to hear from her again (and talk about the possibility of meeting up in the summer when she's over from America) and I'm reminded that there are a fair few people I should probably try and catch up with. We got to chatting about the Yellowthread Street boks by William Marshall who we were both huge fans of in school. These are fantastic books about police detectives in Hong Kong when it was still under British rule, exciting, dark and hilarious by turns. Haven't read them in ages and I suddenly have the urge to read them all again.

Off to catch Sherlock Holmes at the cinema for the last time (I think it's ending it's run this week. I hope it's ending it's run this week, I might actually manage to get stuff done! It's Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean all over again!) and then I have to empty Roger of all the stuff that's currently living in him since he's booked in for his MOT on Friday (My bank account is cringing in anticipation!). Fiddle class tomorrow and then I might head to the Voodoo Bar to go and see Dot's pipe playing.

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