Thursday 7 January 2010

I Give In

Alright, I give in. I'm now really enjoying Sherlock Holmes and will no doubt end up with the soundtrack and the DVD. (Plus I really, really want Watson's hat for Morris purposes!) However, I have stuff to do (lots of stuff) so, if people could stop offering to take me to see it again, that would be appreciated. (of course, now that it's made my 'like' list, I'll probably end up seeing it a couple more times anyway. There's a reason I have an Unlimited Card!)

Got through the rest of The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes last night so my eyes are a little squinty today due to the teeny tiny print. (And I still have Dangermouse running through my head!)

Another fire alarm this morning. I have now built a snow gremlin to go with my snow bunny (it stops me starting snowball fights)

First fiddle class of the Spring Term tonight and practice has not been what it should be over the break (and I still haven't got the bridge fixed) but looking forward to it. Aim for this year is to be able to play for morris if not for rapper (possibly slow motion rapper)

Library and an evening at Vicki's sewing and watching DVD's tomorrow and then Mons Meg (and hopefully a working phone!) on Saturday. Huzzah!

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