Friday 5 February 2010

A Faster Pace

Fiddle was fun last night. We were having a go at Freedm Come All Ye at a slightly faster pace than we usually do which I really enjoyed. If I can, I'm going to go and see if I can get a new bridge for the fiddle this weekend (and see if I can aford it! Have been hearing horror stories from the rest of the group. If it's a lot then I could be learning to do it myself!)

Off to PC World tonight to try and get a replacment power cord for my laptop since I think I've killed mine so that should be fun.

The pain in my shins has lessened somewhat but is still very tender in places which is worrying me slightly. No doubt that will pass though (The pain possibly, the worry certainly)

Anyhow, the Big Burrow Tidy of 2010 starts tonight!

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