Wednesday 3 February 2010

Licence Wonderings

Another bloody fire alarm this morning (I'd only just got in so I went and sat in the car instead of tramping all the way round to the park cause there's no snow to build snow bunnies now) I hope this isn't going to start up all over again!

Picked up the rat cage yesterday. It's a little bigger than I was expecting, the rats will have space to do whatever they want, I will be huddled in a corner of the settee! Still, very cool.

Didn't go to the cinema last night but I did work out how to renew my library books on line. This is useful because I always read them all in the first week, if that, and then I forget all about them as I get through my other books so being able to renew them online means I can have a last minute panic and still not have to pay a fine.

At some point I am going to have to get my telly fixed. Am now seriously wondering whether I should just cancel the service since I haven't had it since before Christmas and I obviously haven't missed it. The only thing I've been watching is 'Being Human' and I can see that on-line. Obviously I like things like Top Gear and QI but I only tend to watch them if they happen to be on and I'm flicking through channels. When it comes to sci-fi shows, I tend to wait for them to come out on DVD. Obviously if I do cancel the media TV service, I'll not be able to watch the freeview since the poor reception in the burrow was what caused me to opt for the cable option in the first place but I think I still have to pay the licence fee for the couple of things I watch on-line and I'll still have the telly cause I like to watch my DVD's on that rather than the laptop. Maybe if I manage to find another flat with actual reception I'll look into the freeview option (and, of course, I'll have to probably get digital adaptors or somesuch). Yep, I think cable TV's going to be cancelled.

Going to make an appointment with the GP at some point just to check on the shins. It suddenly occured to me that this has been going on long enough and is different enough this time that there is the, admittedly small, chance that there might be a stress fracture. It almost undoubtedly isn't one but I've got the thought in my head now and it would be sensible to just reassure myself that it isn't before I go off and do something really stupid.

Have put my 3D glasses in my bag to go and see Avatar tonight. I will go and see it tonight!

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