Tuesday 9 February 2010

Indoor Swimming Pool?

Very few of us at rapper last night so I ended up dancing at 5. This is a position I used to dance fairly frequently so I should have known it but, it seems that I've become so entrenched at Number 2 that I instinctively try to end up in that position (which is a problem when there's someone already there!) Still, it was really good fun and I would like to do a bit more dancing at different positions cause it makes me think.

There is a leak in the stair outside my door. It's not very big at the moment so it's not an emergency fix so could take some time to get it repaired so I'm storing towels and dishcloths near the door just in case it decides to worsen rapidly.

Was early to work this morning cause I forgot my clock is an hour fast (and has been ever since the clocks changed so it's not exactly a new thing) I thought the buses were a bit quieter than usual. It's been a long day so far.

Tonight should involve me trying to tidy the burrow a bit while staying as near to the front door as possible listening for the sound of suddenly gushing water. What will probably happen is that I will end up sat with my back to the door while reading another Bartholomew book (had forgotten how funny this series is!) and the first I'll know of any flooding will be when my bum gets wet!

Anyhow, if it's not fixed before the weekend, the burrow will have to fend for itself cause nothing is getting in the way of a rapper weekend!

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