Tuesday 16 February 2010

Silly People

No rapper last night since most of us couldn't make it after the weekend. Therefore, took the opportunity to nip along to the cinema and see Sherlock Holmes for absolutley the last time (at the cinema, obviously) since it looks like it finishes tomorrow. Still enjoying it but I could have lived without the lass in front of me who tried to text all the way through the film which meant there was a really bright light shining in my eyes. I thought I was very polite when I asked her if she would mind not doing it please since the light was very distracting but she looked scared and moved seats. Ah well, whatever works. Could also have done without the family across the other side of the cinema who spent the whole film trying to explain the plot to each other and did not understand the concept of inside voices. Seriously, if you really need a whole film's plot explaining to you as you're watching it, you probably need to go and see something a little more simple (and in this case, that probably limits you to Tom and Jerry cartoons!)

Had a minor ruffle through stuff when I got back but gave in and watched more episodes of Sherlock Holmes and read a couple more library books. (Particularly enjoyed the Railway Detective one but that could just be because I'm on a victorian detective kick.)

The leak is still leaking (thankfully still in a drippy sort of way) Don't think I'll completely relax until it gets fixed.

Rapper tour in Glasgow this coming Saturday. Not sure where or when (other than Saturday in Glasgow, obviously) but will hopefully find out before we go (otherwise the tour will consist of rapper dancers hunting for each other across the city!)

Off to see The Wolfman tonight. It'll make a nice change to see something else at the cinema (even though I'm apparently sticking with the victorian era) and I will get round to seeing Avatar at some point. Probably.

The new bridge for the fiddle arrived last night so I'm just working up the nerve to have a go at changing it. The sandpaper is at the ready to help shape the feet and I have spare strings at the ready just in case (I really don't like the look of my A string.) I'm thinking I will have to pluck up the nerve soon before my current bridge just folds in half. Just hoping the sound post hasn't displaced.

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