Wednesday 17 February 2010

Wolfy Antics

Well, went to see The Wolfman last night. Took a while to get started (and have to admit that I'm not a big fan of Benicio Del Toro. I always find him a little flat) but it was entertaining enough and there was lots of hilarious gore and dismemberment (This could just have been me though.)
Anthony Hopkins was Ok although he was hairy enough that when he transformed into the werewolf I didn't actually notice he was changing at first, and Emily Blunt did a good job of playing the gothic heroine. It took me ages to work out where I knew the actress playing the old gypsy from until I looked her up and realised she played Queen Anne in The Three Musketeers (The good, Michael York, Oliver Reed version) The whole plot was fairly obvious right from the start but it was entertaining enough (with what looked like a nod to An American Werewolf in London with the whole omnibus thing) and the whole thing was lifted by Hugo Weaving as Inspector Aberline. He was brilliant and very funny and just raised the whole film to another level every time he was on screen. Don't think I'll be repeatedly viewing it a la Sherlock Holmes (thank the gods) but I'm glad I saw it.

Still not sure what's happening with rapper on Saturday but still looking forward to it. Looks like we may not have our normal number 1 so that should be entertaining (for sadistic onlookers, probably not for us!)

Must remember to try and get along to irish set this Friday and, at some point, I must have another go at tidying the burrow.

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