Wednesday 10 February 2010

IVFDF Musings

Well, no sudden flood last night (and no tidying either. Got through 2 more books though) so that's good. Think I will actually move away from the door tonight though cause it's a little chilly there. (On the other hand, I must make a fairly good draught excluder since the rest of the burrow was a little warmer than normal.)

Feeling quite glad that I managed to get my IVFDF tickets ordered when I did since they've apparently run out of sleeping space. Not that I ever do a huge amount of sleeping at IVFDF but at least I have space for the little I do. Been looking at the workshops planned for IVFDF. Obviously want to do the rapper (which is being led by High Spen so could be interesting). There's also a workshop on how to set up a rapper side by Star and Shadow. Not quite sure what that'll be like (may have a better idea when they publish the usual blurb) but may meander along if there's nothing I really, really want to attend on at the same time. Other workshops I quite fancy are the clog, the border morris, the contra, the calling your first dance class (I don't know why I go to these cause I will never be able to call due to my brain impediment. Oh, wait, I do know why. I'm nosey!), the surviving in a session class (purely as a spectator since not taking the fiddle but interested in tips for the future) and the northumbrian tunes workshop. The actual programme is not out yet so no doubt all these workshops will clash horribly. Ah well, will see what happens.

Will have another attempt at tidying the burrow tonight. (Have now reread all my Susanna Gregory books so it's a touch more possible I will actually try tonight.)

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