Wednesday 24 February 2010

Festival Decisions.

Good rapper practice on Monday. There was a new lad came along who towers over everybody. Makes me feel tiny! I gave him a lift home and gods alone know whether he'll come back because I managed to get stuck in a one way system due to the tram works and went round a good couple of times before I managed to escape it, muttering all the way.

Took a half day yesterday because my sleep cycle has switched to 'knackered' and I don't think it's being helped by generally feeling lousy. Meant to go home and sleep but lay down and my eyes went 'ping'. Got through a few more books and Sherlock Holmes episodes but very little sleep. Now really shattered. I still have to change the bridge on the fiddle but I think I'll wait till I'm slightly more compis mentis before I give that a go.

Off to see Damien Barber and Mike Wilson at The Pleasance tonight (provided they make it through the snow which just seems to have appeared this morning and is showing no signs of stopping). Hope I don't nod off.

Have definitely decided on Oxford Folk Festival (although there was a last minute bid from Sidmouth who have Belshazzar's Feast playing but I think I'll find somewhere else to see them). Am using the fact that I will be using the money saved from cancelling TV stuff to justify it. Now just have to book it.

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