Tuesday 2 February 2010


Rapper practice was fun last night but I couldn't dance much cause of the pain in my shins. At some point I should really go and see someone about that. I think I did the damage while scottish country dancing and it's probably something I will just have to live with (cause I'm not giving up morris now I've finally managed to start) but I should probably make sure it's not going to have a long term effect that could stop me rapper dancing. Anyhow, I still had a good time at practice since I got to watch the dance and pick up bits that need work. It had also been suggested that we should get the Tommy to bring in a box for me to stand on in the backlock in Winalton. I feel I should be insulted but, at the same time, I have to admit it would be very funny (and probably helpful!).

Not impressed with the snow this morning (although fairly impressed with the amount that's managed to fall overnight). I'm off to Bo'ness tonight to collect a rat cage so I'm hoping that's all the snow we're going to get.

Off to the cinema when I get back tonight. I'm intending to see Avatar but I suspect it will be another viewing of Sherlock Holmes.

This weekend is going to be spent tidying the Burrow (and, if I have time, sorting through my DVD collection and seeing what I can sell on. I think there's quite a large number I'd be happy to get rid of.) I need to clear out a hell of a lot of stuff. There's old reenactment kit that can go, there's old electronic equipment that I've killed and which can be taken to the dump, old defunct camping kit and all sorts of other things. I really am a terrible hoarder by nature and I can't afford to be in such a small space. Am starting to consider looking for a different flat. I would quite like somewhere with a seperate kitchen (as opposed to one in the sitting room) and easier parking (parking is hell around the burrow.) and a bath would be a bonus. Will see how things go.

The weekend after is the Snark weekend. It looks like Mons Meg will be touring with them on the Saturday and then some of us are going to the meal in the evening. (I've been told it's dressy so I may have to dig out my dress and heels. There may possibly be workshoppy stuff on the Sunday as well. Really looking forward to it. We also have a tour planned in Glasgow on the 23rd Feb. We're not sure whereabouts in Glasgow we're going to go yet but it looks like nearly the whole side'll be there so it should be a good night out.

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